For Immediate Release

March 22, 2023

Cedar Rapids – Bright Future Iowa released the findings of a public opinion survey conducted by The Tarrance Group showing that registered voters in Iowa overwhelmingly support renewable energy. Roughly 70% of Iowa voters say that both wind and solar energy have been positives for rural communities and 64% agree that renewable projects as a whole are driving jobs and providing money for community investments in schools, parks, roads and other vital projects. This is up from 56% of voters in 2022.

Said Swati Dandekar, Chairperson of Bright Future Iowa, “Iowans understand that renewable energy is a force for good in our state. Wind and solar projects support our rural communities and ensure our communities have the investments needed for their schools, roads, and more.

Respect for Property Rights

It’s clear that respect for property rights is tantamount in the Hawkeye state. Sixty-four percent of Iowa voters agree that farmers should not be told by the government what do with their land and can develop renewable energy projects if they choose. This is belief strongly held by Republicans (68%), Independents (64%) and Democrats (61%). 

“Ensuring our farmers have the tools and resources, such as renewable energy development, to succeed and provide for their family must be priority for our elected officials. It’s clear Iowans agree” said Bright Future Iowa Co-founder Gentry Collins.


Read The Tarrance Group Statewide Survey Memo.

Bright Future Iowa helps Iowans understand the benefits renewable energy projects provide to our state, our communities and our farmers.  Renewable energy is a safe source of revenue and economic growth.

Press Contact

Swati Dandekar, Chairperson and Founder

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