
of Iowa voters Support New Solar Energy Projects

Bright Future Iowa commissioned The Tarrance Group to conduct a survey of voters in Iowa. The survey showed widespread support.


Supporting solar:

59% independents

No Data Found

62% Republicans

No Data Found

85% Democrats

No Data Found

After hearing about the economic benefits of solar projects in Linn County, 71% of voters statewide expressed support for solar farms in the state.
Support for solar is driven by these three elements
Respect for property rights

67 percent of Iowa voters (74 percent in Linn County) agree that “farmers should not be told by the government what do with their land; they have the right to use their land how they choose:  including to develop renewable energy projects.”

67% Iowa voters
Support Farmers Rights
74% Linn County voters
Support Farmers Rights
Economic support for rural communities

By more than two-to-one, voters across the state agree that the economic advantages of solar projects, including jobs and new tax revenue that help fund rural government services, are worth the costs.

Reduction in carbon emissions

72 percent of voters across the state view climate change as a high or important priority and 64 percent are likely to support solar projects when they learn they help reduce carbon emissions. 

72% Iowa voters
View Climate Change as High Priority
64% Iowa voters
Are Likely to Support Solar

A statewide survey was conducted in Iowa from Jan. 24th – Jan. 30th, 2022. The survey interviewed 500 registered voters with an additional oversample of 3oo Linn County Residents (total Linn County sample 344). 63% of interviews were conducted online, 18% on land phones and 18% on cell phones. The margin of error is +/- 4.38% on the statewide sample, and +/- 5.28% on the Linn County Sample.

68% of Iowa voters support solar energy projects. (1)


Cedar Rapids – Bright Future Iowa released the findings of a public opinion survey conducted by The Tarrance Group showing that registered voters in Iowa overwhelmingly support renewable and solar energy.  When asked if they would support new solar energy projects in Iowa, more than two-thirds (68 percent) of voters across the state said yes.

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