Tell Officials: Support Solar!

Iowa is behind in solar energy.

We are one of the top producers of electricity from wind energy, but among the last in solar.  


We need to act

Linn County leaders have declared climate emergencies – but we need action.  Approving solar farms in the county is a real step towards creating clean energy.

In Linn County two proposed solar farms would create enough clean energy to power more than 600,000 homes.  Approval of these farms would help Iowa lead on clean energy. 


Linn County can take real action to address climate change – by approving two new solar farms

Renewables are expected to grow by 50% nationally over the next 30 years, but only if local projects, like the Duane Arnold Solar farm and Coggon Solar farm here in Linn County, are approved.

Tell Politicians – support Solar!

Linn County can only lead in solar energy and the fight for our climate if the Linn County Board of Supervisors support the Duane Arnold Solar and Coggon Solar farms!

let’s tell our local elected officials to support the future of clean solar energy in our county!

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