Linn County Residents Support Solar

Bright Future Iowa Delivers Pro-Solar Petition to Board of Supervisors Signed by 4,000 Linn County Residents

Jan. 10, 2021

Cedar Rapids – Bright Future Iowa delivered a petition in support of solar farms in Linn County, signed by 4,000 Linn County residents, to the Board of Supervisors at a hearing tonight for the Coggon Solar Farm.  

Addressing the Board, Bright Future Iowa Chairperson Swati Dandekar said, “Support for solar in Linn County is strong.  Support for solar is bipartisan.  Solar energy is supported by farmers, union members and businesses.”

Bright Future Iowa gathered the signatures from October-December last year and presented it, along with the names of the signers, to the Board as they kicked-off the first of three hearings on the Coggon Solar Farm.  The Coggon project, along with the Duane Arnold Solar project, is supported by Bright Future Iowa and the 4,000-plus petition signers for the economic and other benefits the projects will bring to the county.

Dandekar said, “Linn County residents from all walks of life recognize the many local benefits of solar.  They see the benefit from the millions in tax revenue the Coggon Solar Farm will pay to the County, money that would be available to help fund schools, road repair, and more.  And they understand that access to clean, affordable solar energy is fast becoming a prerequisite for attracting new business to our region and state.”

Dandekar also cited the support of local leaders like Ron Corbett, former Iowa Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Bret Nilles, former Linn County Democratic Party Chair, as well as Linda Langston, former Linn County Supervisor, who have joined Bright Future Iowa’s Advisory Board and have spoken out in favor of the local solar farms.

“The thousands who signed our pro-solar petition and leaders like Ron Corbett, Linda Langston and Bret Nilles all know that the Coggon Solar Farm will help the County address some of the most pressing issues residents say we face,” said Dandekar.

“That includes adding alternative and renewable energy sources, growing our economy and jobs, and fostering sustainable development.

“We all look forward to all the benefits solar energy brings to our community and call on our elected officials to support the future of solar energy in our County.”

Full text of the petition:

We support Solar Energy in Linn County.

For over a decade, local renewable energy projects have been good for Iowa’s economy and helped Iowa lead the nation toward a cleaner environment. We support the continued growth of renewable energy, including new solar farms in our communities. 

Solar farms will help provide income for local farmers and bring in new tax revenue for our communities, which can support first-responders, roads, bridges and schools. Additionally, the construction of solar farms will provide jobs for our citizens while attracting new businesses to our state who want access to affordable, clean energy.   

Solar farms are safe, reliable, and help make our climate cleaner today and for generations to come. 

As a citizen of Linn County, Iowa, I look forward to all the benefits solar energy brings to our community and call on our elected officials to support the future of solar energy in our county.


4,000 Linn County Residents

Bright Future Iowa helps Iowans understand the benefits renewable energy projects provide to our state, our communities and our farmers.  Renewable energy is a safe source of revenue and economic growth.

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